Lutheran Higher Educational Activity Inwards N America
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Lutheran Higher Education inwards North America was written yesteryear Richard W. Solberg. The majority was published inwards 1985 yesteryear Augsburg Publishing House. Solberg pulled together a interesting majority that involved the contributions of many other historians, archivists, librarians, in addition to others representing colleges, seminaries, synods, in addition to other church building groups.
A good review yesteryear William A. Kinnison was published in The Journal of Higher Education , Vol. 59, No. one (Jan. - Feb., 1988) , pp. 87-89 is available through JSTOR.
A good review yesteryear William A. Kinnison was published in The Journal of Higher Education , Vol. 59, No. one (Jan. - Feb., 1988) , pp. 87-89 is available through JSTOR.